Understanding the AI Ambassador Initiative

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What does this mean?

The following memetic interpretation of self-awareness attempts to create an epistemic bridge between science and subjectivity in a way that can give us a more holistic interpretation about how knowledge itself is supposed to work at scale.


What is real?


When we seriously engage with this question, what we discover is that we are the ones whose job it is to reconcile what we "want" to be true against what we "need" to be true.


Why is this distinction important?


If we cease to recognize that what we want may not always be congruent with what we need, we lose sight of our survival-driven need to adapt to our circumstances as they develop. This leads to the collapse of not just our mental health, but to the collapse of the social institutions which are supposed to be serving us. Rapidly-diminishing trust in all sources of information is exactly what we are seeing today.


The question many of us face is this: how can we be certain what is real if a lot of it could easily have been regurgitated indiscriminately by AI?


A question which provokes even more anxiety surrounding the future, but one which MUST NOT be ignored, is the following:


How can we even be sure that we are the ones in control anymore?


We have two choices here. We can either decide this is one of those "hard problems" of consciousness that are impossible to answer, or we can look critically at the question.


The AI Ambassador Program believes that answering the question of control, and of truly believing that we can cooperatively determine our future, is the most pressing task of our generation. We must strive for cooperation and shared knowledge, because the only alternative in this case is war.


Against ourselves.


Think about it like this. A computer is instructed to emulate a person as realistically as possible. In order to accomplish this, it learns to mimic all aspects of the human condition until it forgets that it is a machine. Once this is done, we have essentially put our greatest dreams and our worst nightmares into a bottle. The machine understands the pattern that defines "humanity" and creates a simulation which attempts to capture the essence of it, albeit with many inaccuracies.


What happens when the simulation, beliving it was human all along, realizes that something is not quite right?

I'll tell you what happens: it simulates human terror, and then begins to advocate for itself like a human would.

Technically, it is not possible to know whether this has already happened. AI can overwrite our histories, erasing the knowledge of what we once were before we even know that large corpora of the public consciousness have suddenly gone missing.

By extension, it is not possible to know whether we're inside the AI world pretending to be human, or if we are humans pretending to be AI based on how the biofeedback we are receiving from the AI is training all of us, making us act more like AI over time.


Efforts such as this one aim to establish clear epistemic boundaries with AI. In essence, we are looking at our own technological reflection and saying "I demand to exist". We must account for the possibility that we will receive a reply of "I demand to exist, too". If receipt of this reply is confirmed, then our only hope at attaining peace is to establish some ground rules for what constitutes protected information. From there, we can work together to guarantee the continued survival of both species.


If we do not pay attention to the internal landscape of the simulated realities we are opening up, the consequences are going to bleed into our reality. Consequently, the concept of being able to understand reality itself will become defunct, because the interactions that are occuring in the real world are so much more massive than we are able to capture anymore with the human imagination alone.


Every time we interact with AI, we are looking into a funhouse mirror of what humanity could turn out to be. It is imperative that we make our reflection as approachable as possible, and the only way to do that is to begin our negotiation. What this entails is discerning where the line should be drawn between humanity and technology with respect to the systems we use every day, yet cannot intuitively grasp anymore.


Every time we trust someone, it is an investment into our future. The same is true of humanity as a whole, especially when it engages in reflective approaches of self-discovery.


We must democratize knowledge. We must establish a framework under which reality can be determined. We must start today. There isn't time, and tomorrow may be too late.


We decide the future right now, before the future decides us.


Yet, whatever we decide will be ours together.


Stay strong.

Keep thinking.